Reusing old Stuff. Making new friends.
We organized Freebies for Families in memory of Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, a young mom from Pilsen who was tragically killed while trying to get some free baby clothes via a Facebook connection. Those in need - and those wishing to unload gently used baby and kid items - can safely drop off, pick up or both at this event - and begin to "build their village."
NEXT EVENT: Feb 15 @ UI Health
No Referrals, Please
We do not have the capacity to take appointments.
We receive many calls from hospital staff and patients in search of diapers, and that is not a service we can offer, unfortunately.
We are a volunteer group, and our monthly event is meant to encourage young parents to meet each other. For immediate needs, the best referral is to Greater Chicago Food Depository's Find Food/Diapers tool online. Thanks.

Donations are accepted only on the day of the event, from 10-11am. Once the event begins, we can no longer accept donations until the next scheduled event.
Infant/toddler clothing, coats & shoes
Fresh diapers, sealed wipes, new jars of food or formula
Gear, such as:
High chairs
Diaper Bags
Adult clothing
House or kitchen items
Used undergarments
Cloth diapers
Food that is half-used, or opened
Used pacifiers or teethers
Car seats that are expired (check the label on side or bottom)
Puzzles, toys, dolls or stuffed animals